Stories From The Road

Our Love Story

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One of the biggest questions we get asked all the time is how did you two meet? Like a lot of other couples, we met on a dating app. The funny part about that was on this particular app it would show you how many times someone has looked at your profile. Larry had been checking out my profile for weeks, but I guess never summoned the courage to send me a message.

Finally one Tuesday afternoon he finally sends me a message just saying “hey how are you?”. Well at this point in my dating life, I was ready to delete the dating app and move on from the cruel dating world. The only men I had found up to that point wanted to send me naked photos, or have a fun time and not a relationship. So it was a good thing Larry messaged me when he did.

The two of us chatted through text for a short while when he finally mentions he is getting ready to head to his favorite restaurant. Larry told me if I was free, he would be there around 6 pm, and that it was an all you can eat sushi restaurant. So he would be there for awhile, if I wanted to come have dinner. While I had always wanted to try sushi, I had some reservations.

A few months before I had just recently undergone gastric bypass surgery,, so an all you can sushi restaurant seemed like a waste of money. Especially when I was currently still eating like a bird at that point. Also that particular night I had dinner plans with my good friend, so sushi was probably not going to work.

Then all of sudden I receive a text message from my friend, saying she was sick and would have to cancel. So at this point I look in the mirror, I am a mess I am sweaty from the gym and look horrible. Do I really get cleaned up to go meet some guy, who has been checking me out for weeks. But didn’t bother to contact me until now?

After much debate I decided yes I have always wanted to try sushi. But I also decide I am not going to get all dolled up like I usually do for a date. A simple shower, a little make up. Because in my mind I was going try sushi, not find a boyfriend.

Stay tuned tomorrow for part two but in the meantime enjoy some photos of the first month we met.

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