Trucking Life

Our Love Story Part 2

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Yesterday I was sharing a little bit about how Larry and I met, if you missed that part you can click here to catch up. So where were I? Oh that’s right I was still debating if I was going to head to the sushi restaurant to meet up with this guy named Larry. Obviously the answer is of course I went,

When I pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant I was still telling myself there is till time to turn around, This was not an actual scheduled date, I could still run if I wanted to. But in that split moment of fear and panics, I saw him leaning against the front of his car.

Leaning against a silver Honda Accord was this dark haired gorgeous man who at the time reminded me of Bruce Springsteen. It was at that moment that I felt myself actually catch my breath, what was happening? Never had I ever met someone before and such an immediate reaction. After doing our initial “hello’s” we decided to head inside the restaurant.

Larry was great explaining to me all about sushi, then asking me what I like. So that he could recommend some sushi rolls I should try. At this point I began to panic realizing that I probably couldn’t eat that much. And feeling bad that he was wasting his money on me, because of that fact. But Larry being himself just laughed and said “That’s ok I will eat enough for the both of us.” Immediately I felt so at ease, not nervous at all just enjoying the conversation.

Then a weird thing started happening, we began finishing each other’s sentences. Talking about our likes and dislikes, our favorite movies, food, music, We were so similar in so many ways, and the fact that we were connecting on everything threw me for a loop.

We got lost in general chit chat, and before we knew it the restaurant was closing. But I got the sense that neither of us were willing to let the night end. So out to the parking lot we went, and spent another hour out there just getting to know each other. Before too long I started to get chilled from the sun going down, and without me saying a word. Larry got into his car and pulled out his jacket and wrapped it around my shoulders. As I sat there I remember thinking “Do guys like that really exists?”. I had never had someone do something so kind to me before.

As the conversation was flowing, I remember looking into his eyes thinking, Ok I really hope he kisses me tonight. Then I caught myself being shocked, like maybe that was to forward for the first date. But I didn’t care I knew there was something special here with this man, something more I wanted to explore.

Also for the record. It only took me four dates to finally get that kiss I mentioned. See Larry was a shy and old fashioned guy at heart, and he never liked to make the first move. So the first dates we would just end the night with a sweet hug. Then finally on our fourth date as he was getting ready to leave my house for the night, I finally looked over at him as we sat on my porch swing. Looked into his eyes and said “Are you going to kiss me or what?”. At that time I didn’t know that was a country song.

Two weeks later coming home from work the song “Are You Going To Kiss Me or Not” by Thompson Square came on the radio. The lyrics in that song, at that moment really described the early stages of our relationship. Rushing home I pulled out my phone and made Larry listen to the song on YouTube. From that day forward that became our song. Stay tuned for our wedding story, as we share how that song became an important part of our lives.

From that night, Larry and I have been together every day we can possibly can. Follow our blog for more great stories from our life together and how we got to be whom we are today!

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