Stories From The Road

True Truckers Brotherhood

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So often we hear the negative side of trucking, and we do not often showcase or focus on the positive we see out there. This morning Larry and I had to pick up today from a location that was not made for trucks with as long of a wheel base as ours. We were trip planning a few days before we picked up, and knew that this location was going to extremely hard.

By the time we got there our anxiety was so high. Since we got our new truck we have had some tight situations but nothing like this. Larry had to make a blind side turn and back down a pretty long stretch to our dock. So picture him pulling forward then having to make a 90 degree turn in a very very narrow space. Then backing down about 1/4 mile.

This was so close that it took me and another trucker to help him just make that turn. Full of anxiety I was outside the truck trying to guide Larry, but feeling like a failure, When out of nowhere this trucker showed up to take over. Immediately I felt a sense of relief and felt my palms start to relax. After about ten minutes and a few very scary moments, we made that turn and were heading to our dock.

But we knew the hard part not over, as these lanes were very narrow. For us to turn into the dock, we also had to fight employees cars as well. Again I was outside trying to help navigate him away from the cars and two walls. Again feeling that I was failing miserably to help guide him. Before I knew it two Veteran truckers came to my rescue.

We did not get their names but the older gentlemen was a Marine, and the younger one was Air Force. They helped guide Larry into the spot, and even waited around for us to get loaded and helped to guide us back out. For both of them we tried to gift them with a Treat A Trucker gift card, but they both refused. Telling us to gift a driver who needed it. That the reason that jumped out to help, was they saw Larry’s Army hat. We were moved to tears this morning by three truckers, who came to our rescue when we truly needed it.

To often times we only hear the negativity that goes along with this tough industry. So when something like this happens it needs to be showcased. As a trucking community, we are getting away from the Old School Trucking. The trucking we only hear about now. Where everyone was out to help everyone. Whether it is the change in technology or the “Me” attitude. So often times people only look out for themselves and do not stop and offer help anymore. So to the three Veterans today, from both Larry and I thank you so much. We need more drivers like you.

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