Stories From The Road

Lunch Amongst Truckers

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This week we had to take a couple days off to get some routine work done on the truck, The second day we had repair work done at the shop that creates the custom super sleepers, The morning of the repairs we woke up to a blanket of snow and frigged temperatures.

We knew that we had a 6:00 a.m. appointment, so getting some coffee in our system our next task was taking the dogs out, Bundled up we ventured out into the snow with all three puppies. Our newest addition Nova had never experienced snow before. We knew Gizmo loved the snow but were curious about Nova, As expected Nova was overwhelmed and so excited by the snow. Chasing Gizmo into the snow mounds, jumping for joy and eating as much snow as possible, After a wet romp into the snow it was time to head into the drivers lounge for the day as the truck got repaired,

With a cup of coffee in one hand, and my IPad in the other we settled into the drivers lounge for a long day of waiting. A few minutes later we were joined by another driver, he to was employed by our new company, His name was Rich and before long him and Larry were deep into conversation. Talking everything from old school trucking, to adventures they had been through over the road and more. it was fun sitting back and watching two drivers lost in conversation,

A few hours later we saw the first bay door open and new truck entered the shop, Before long we saw a adorable couple and their two dogs heading towards the drivers lounge, As they entered we greeted them, and then everyone went back to watching TV, or getting lost in our phones, It wasn’t long before the lady looked over at me and said “I follow you by the way”. Not knowing how to handle this moment I just oh cool. “Your Married 2 The Road right?”. Blushing I just laugh and say yes that is us, these moments are happening more frequently and I never know how to react,

About a half hour later we were lost in conversation about life, dogs and the companies we work for, Being dog mamas we shared stores of how life is with our doggies. Before we knew it had been a half hour, and we realized our husbands were out in the shop admiring each other’s trucks. What happens so often when you meet other truckers, regardless of the companies you work you tend to form a bond. Sharing your life experiences and struggles and tales from the road.

Around lunchtime Larry pulled me aside and suggested that I order a couple of large pizzas fir our three new friends. As we waited for the pizzas to arrive another young trucking couple had come inside to do their laundry. The laundry room was located next to the drivers lounge. We also started making conversation with them as well, as she shared life with her doggies over the road.

Within a hour the drivers lounge was filled 7 drivers and their fur babies, all of us lost n conversation.

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