Stories From The Road

Some Days Trucking Gets Lonely

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Too often times, people think because Larry and I are always together, we never get lonely. That could not be further from the truth. As most truckers can relate whether you are team or solo, this lifestyle can be a very lonely one.

Yes being a team does make it allot easier than a solo truck driver. There is not a day where we don’t at least have someone to talk to, or vent to. But even in those moments where you might have a little bit of interaction with your spouse. The loneliness of the road still tends to creep back in.

As Truck drivers we are use to driving up to eleven hours a day. Most of that time is spent alone in the cab, listening to the radio or podcast. Or maybe on the phone with a good friend or family member. But during that eleven hour shift, most of the time you rarely have any type of human interaction. We are solitary people, who after awhile get used to and comfortable with being alone.

As your driving those long lonely roads, all you really have time to do is think. Think about the people you miss, the things you miss being able to do, and things we miss from home. It’s during these moments, that you start to realize how truly lonely life out here can be.

Especially when you only get to see your children and grandchildren every few months. Friends seem like we see them even less often. Then our parents who were only getting to see occasionally. This is when you start to reflect on all those family events you have missed out on over the years.

While our lives out here on the road is amazing, and we see so many beautiful places. The road still can be one of the loneliest places to be.

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