Trucking Life

The Stresses Of Home-Time

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So you are looking at the title of this post and asking yourself, how can home-time be so stressful. Many truckers will agree with me, while we love coming home. Seeing our home, visiting our loved ones and just plain catching up. What we don’t like is how much we have to accomplish in a very short amount of time.

On top of that you have to try and fit in time to visit with your friends and loved ones, all the while getting yourself ready to go back out. The other thing to consider is that most of us sleep better in our beds. So catching up on uninterrupted sleep is a necessity.

When a truck driver comes home off the road, this is usually after he or she has been gone for weeks and sometimes months at a time. So now is the time we spend doing laundry, getting restocked to head back out and catching up on appointments.

Larry and I have home all week and been running since we first got home. Had Doctors appointments, veterinarian appointments, hair cuts, nail appointment, dog grooming, and then cleaning our truck and restocking. It always seems like the time at home goes so fast and in between you are trying to still visit family members.

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