
Answering Questions You Asked Me

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So on one of my videos last week I asked you guys, to send in some questions you wanted us to answer. Out of those questions I chose the following mainly because these are the ones we get asked so often. If you have a question please feel free to leave it below in the comments section.

1- What did you do before you became a truck driver?

I was actually working for a Furniture company called Weekend’s Only in the St. Louis area and I worked at the main headquarters. At Weekend’s Only I was a warranty specialist and also did customer service work. This was a great job, the only downside as you can tell by the name. I never had weekends off. My usual schedule was Wednesday through Sunday.

2- Do you have any Nicknames?

Several as a matter of fact. Growing up my Grandpa used to call me “Angel” and that stuck until I hit my teenage years, and then I decided that was no longer a cool name lol. Since Larry met me his nickname for me is always “Baby” or “Babydoll” if he really wants something from me. And lately on TikTok my newest nickname which I was sure was mean’t to be an insult, but I find it funny. Is of course “Trucker Barbie”.

3-Why Did Get You Get Into Trucking?

This one is easy, when Larry and I first got together i was a truckers wife and girlfriend for the first year and half of our relationship. Personally I hated being away from Larry, and really hated that when he was home our time together was still not a lot because he was exhausted. So his boss Steve at the time suggested that I get my CDL License and go out over the road and join him.After looking at my life and realizing that I had not seen alot of the county, that my kids were all grown and living their own lives. It seemed that the best option for me and for us as couple.

4-Scariest Moment in your Trucking Career?

I actually had two that jump off the top of my head. My first was the first time I drove the I-80 through Nevada, Wyoming and Nevada. In CDL School they never really prepared me for how scary the winds blowing against your trailer could be, especially if what you are hauling is light weight. The first time I was in Nevada and a gust of wind almost blew me off the road, literally. I learned that lesson the hard way. Second time I was going up the mountain into Flagstaff, Arizona on the I-40 which if anyone is familiar with that route, it has a very steep mountain to climb. I was fairly new to driving and I was in the right hand lane and I was gaining speed on the truck in front of me, so I looked out my mirror and saw that there was no traffic coming and figured this was a perfect time to pass this truck. What a-lot of people don’t understand is when you can climbing up a mountain like that, you are literally creeping along. We can only go as fast as the truck can go and a-lot of depends on the weight of our loads. So a pickup truck got very frustrated with how slow I was passing this semi truck. After I passed him I immediately got over into the right hand lane because the pickup truck behind me was flashing his lights, and honking his horn. Letting me know how mad he was at me. Once he passed me he immediately got in front of me and now mind you he was hauling a trailer himself. And the trucker proceeded to brake check me. That was the scariest moment yet, because he almost caused a chain reaction accident. Because I had to slam on my brakes, and so did all the other trucks creeping up that mountain behind me. So what that taught me going forward, is always be Leary of anyone passing you. If they are upset in shape or form they could retaliate by brake checking you.

5-What trailers do you have experience in driving?

When I first started driving I actually trained hauling pup trailers for FedEx Ground. We hauled what is called doubles which is essentially two smaller pup trailers with a dolly in between. After that I went to a standard 53 foot dry van and also I have driven a refer. And soon we will be driving a Conestoga flatbed.

6-What do you do to keep yourself occupied while you drive all day?

For me I like to keep my mind active so I don’t get tired. So either talking on the phone with friends or family, singing to music or listening to a True Crime or Mystery Podcast.

7-What Endorsements do you have?

Currently I have tanker, doubles and triples, hazmat, tanker/hazmat combo, and Department of Defense Clearance.

8-Age you got your CDL license and how long as your training period?

I was 43 years old when I got my CDL License and my training period was officially six months with FedEx Ground. But because Larry was my trainer, I say I am still in training period as I feel I am always still learning something new daily.

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