
Story Time-The Scary Aspect Of Brake Checking

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Yesterday while driving up a hill I saw that I was starting to gain speed on a slower driving semi truck. Looking in my drivers side mirror I saw an older grey mini van just hovering in the middle of my trailer. This van had been in this same spot for a few minutes. It was one of those situations of, is the driver scared of trucks and afraid to pass me? Or is this a distracted driver just simply not paying attention.

So after a little bit I decide to put on my left turn signal, hoping this is going to prompt him to finally pass me so that I can pass the truck in front of me. Instead this van who also at this point had five cars following close behind him, decided to slam on his brakes. Sitting there for a minute dumbfounded not understanding why he would do that I finally got into the left hand lane and proceeded to pass the truck in front of me. Immediately after passing the truck I moved back over to the right hand lane so that all the cars behind me could continue on.

Next thing I know that older grey mini van passed me and I see through the window he has a family inside. Wife in the passenger seat and four small children in car seats in the two back rows. This van proceeded to cut in front of me with no turn signal, darn near taking my bumper with him. Then smartly proceeded to brake check me.

Now I am not going to lie, I was not expecting this at all and he caught me off guard. Normally when someone is passing me my inclination is to always keep my foot hovering over the brake pedal just to be safe. But I think the van load of children threw me and I did not think this father. This family man would react is such a way.

Luckily, and accident was avoiding by me slamming on my brakes and just slowing down to let him get a head of me. But it was a few minutes later when the reality of the situation really started to set in. That this man who was so full of rage and anger put his own families life at risk, just to tick off a truck driver. What if I had not been paying attention my truck would of run through the back of his van and killed at four children that I saw.

Fighting back the tears I just sad there in dismay. Is trying to make a point to a truck driver really worth your families life?

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