
Understanding The Slow Down, Move Over Law

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A recent study that was completed by AAA (American Automobile Association) said that one quarter of the US population does not know about the slow down, move over law. Or even if it exists in the state that they reside in. This was literally shocking to me, especially seeing how many tow truck drivers, semi truck drivers and first responders are killed on our nations shoulders each year.

Even shocking more is out those drivers who do know about this law, 40% don’t care and do not abide by it. AAA stated that on average we lose up to 24 tow truck drivers or first responders each year due to people hitting them while doing their jobs. Essentially what this means in someone in this line of work is killed every other week on average. In 2020 we saw the highest amount of deaths reaching 46 people. These people’s lives could of so easily been saved, if people just adhered and used the slow down, move over laws.

The report, issued by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, also noted the following driver behaviors:

  • 42% of drivers who do not comply with Move Over laws believe their behavior is not dangerous to roadside emergency workers.
  • 23% of motorists surveyed were unaware of Move Over laws in their state.
  • Among drivers aware of Move Over laws, 15% did not understand potential consequences of violating the law

Doing Your Part to Help Avoid Roadside and Shoulder Accidents

  • DO NOT drive distracted, such on cell phone or distracted in conversation. Stay alert to traffic and road conditions and signs.
  • Look ahead and to your sides for any emergency personnel or stranded motorists on the shoulders of the roads and highways.
  • If you come across a emergency vehichle on the side of the road with their lights on, slow down to a safe speed. And approach the scene with extreme care. If you are on a roadway that you can get over to the left hand lane, do so. The AAA recommends slowing down to 10-20 mph less than the posted speed limits. In case there are workers on the side of the shoulder working.

What To Do If Your Car or Truck Breaks Down?

We have all been in that horrible position of our cars or trucks having maintenance issues, and we need to move to the shoulder of the road. Following these simple tips below could help keep you safer out there on the roads.

  • Pull over to the side of the road. You want to get over as far right as you can, while still keeping your vehicle on level ground.
  • Turn on your Four Ways/Hazard lights. This will notify other motorists that your car is having mechanical issues and that they need to slow down, and move over.
  • Raise the hood of your car to draw attention to it, alerting other motorists of mechanical issues you are having with your vehichle, It is also recommended that you hang a brightly colored scarf or bandana in yellow, orange or red to draw more attention to your vehichle.
  • Stay in your car is always the best option, it is usually much safer inside your car then lingering on the roadside. However if you must exit your vehicle do so on the passenger side, and be watching for on coming traffic.
  • DO NOT stand in front OR behind your car. As approaching motorists may not e able to see until it is too late.
  • Remain with your vehicle at all times until emergency help is able to arrive. Also while sitting in your vehicle be sure that all doors and windows are secured and locked. Walking along the roadside to get assistance puts yourself into a very vulnerable situation. One where you could potentially get hit by a passing vehicle or a distracted motorists.
  • Lastly NEVER ever try to cross over the freeway to other side to get help. This puts you at even bigger risk of getting hit. It is always much safer just to sit tight in your car and wait for help to arrive,

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